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Yin Wong

🔎 尋找祂鄉的故事 (5) by Martin_Bristol

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🎤 Easter celebration is one of the top festive and one of the most looking forward seasons celebrated around the world despite Christian or Non-Christian. It is quite similar when comparing to the other major holidays like Christmas and Halloween, which evolved over the last few decades. The iconic celebration for Non-Christian is always characterized by the feast, Easter eggs, and the Easter bunny.

🔎 尋找祂鄉的故事 (4) by Winson_Brighton

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🎤SEEC 我從2016到2019年,一共去了4年,每一次去SEEC 我都覺得跟神的關係很接近,因為這個Camp 安排的時間表,都是密密麻麻的詩歌敬拜,聽道,跟小組分享,在5日4夜的行程中,遊戲時間在時間表上是不存在的,讓我可以專心地尋求神。

📜 A difficult year yet with its abundant blessings by Yin

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2020 has been a difficult year to say the least, nobody saw it coming and nobody thought it would cause so much disruption to our ‘norm’ and to our daily lives. But yet through all of this, the abundant blessings still continue to pour down from above.

🔎 尋找祂鄉的故事 (2) by Gary_Milton Keynes

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📜 當我不再能掌控時,學習走信心之路。by Rebecca

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我離開神有超過十年的時間,2017年迴轉重回神的懷抱。透過團契和教會我慢慢地去了解自己的信仰及學習神的話語。2019年是我第一年參加SEEC,第一次參加這麼大型的營會。感受特別深的是看到一班SEEC委員無私的為神事奉,當中所有的計劃跟籌備工作都是神帶領的,再艱難也能成事就單單因為衪。這啟發我讓我也想成為SEEC委員的一份子, 委身事奉為他工作。

🔎 尋找祂鄉的故事 (1) by Carmen_Bath

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I had started participating in SEEC since the first year of university as some seniors at the Chinese fellowship encouraged me to, so I joined. I think one of the most unforgettable experience was that during my first year, I was assigned to the allergy group as I am almost allergic to any kind of food, but the committee had been really considerate with my diet and catered for my needs. And God used the conference to help me breakthrough my skin disease, eczema.