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🔎 尋找祂鄉的故事 (8) by Angus_Milton Keynes

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🎤 I remember the strange, somewhat peculiar scent of the boarding school, the excited chatter from people queuing around the reception, the friendly greetings from unfamiliar, yet welcoming faces, and the feelings of awkwardness from being a newbie.

I also remember the first night, seeing Chinese Christians from all over the country, gather together enthusiastically by the hundreds – which sometimes felt more like thousands, squeezing into the main hall and, as lights dim, worshipping together, a sea of arms lifted up, spirits high, emotions flowing, singing praises on top of their lungs.

Yes, I first attended SEEC… a few Easters ago. Each year, I have witnessed the Spirit of God moving in people’s hearts. Some were called to return to him, others were called for his greater purpose, and lives were changed. There is so much joy to be had, sharing and in communion with fellow brothers and sisters. I often find myself humbled by their experiences and testimonies, hearing of their struggles and successes, about their insight and invaluable wisdom that they have gained from walking with the Lord. A believer’s path can be a difficult one and not to be travelled alone.

And God is gracious! He works in wondrous ways, sometimes when we least expect it, but always when we most need it. Whatever stage in life you may be in right now, whether you’re on top of the world or deep in the darkest abyss, be reminded and be encouraged, my brothers and sisters, to be still, and know that he is God. The battle belongs to him and the victory is won. Take courage, have hope, and stand firm.

I pray that the love of God, the Spirit that brings you peace and the hope that is Christ Jesus be with you all. Amen.

2021 客途●天路 #seecuk #seec2021
Angus_Milton Keynes